Confessions of a chronic worrier

I know I'm not alone in my addiction. I know that parents all around the world deal with the same addiction I do.


Worry about the little things, the big things, the medium things. Worry that I worry too much. Worry that I don't worry enough. The cycle is never ending.

Are they eating enough veggies?
Are they eating too much sugar?
Did they take their probiotic?
Is today the day she starts her period?
Are they adjusting in their new school?
Am I taking enough time for myself? Too much time for myself?
Am I fostering their independence?
Are we spoiling them?
Do we have milk?
Did I thaw the fish for dinner tonight?
Do I need to lose weight?
Do I worry too much about appearance?
Did I just hear crying?
Is he sleeping enough?
Are they over-scheduled?
Am I too hard on them?

No sooner is one thing settled than another new concern pops up.
And the  thing is, I don't know what I'd do without the worry. In a crazy way, it is my motivation. Trying to find that fine line between being intentional with my parenting and not losing my mind.

But just when I feel like I'm losing it, my kids do something to show me who they are and I realize that I'm not doing so bad.

They are kind, generous and loving.
They are full of love and light.
They are creative and funny.
They want to make the world a better place.
They are shining examples of everything I want to be.

So I guess as long as I keep the worry monster on a tight leash, I'm just muddling through and doing the best I can, just like every other mama out there.


  1. Every so often, someone will make a comment about how their kids don't do X, or how they do Y, and it'll remind me that we're not alone in wondering, worrying, and laughing all at the same time.

    I got to hear Jennifer Gardner speak last week and she was talking about how the more she tries to make food from scratch for her kids, the less they want it! Made me feel a bit better knowing my kids aren't the only ones who prefer store bought hummus over the version I make :)


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