
Can we all just try to put ourselves in someone else's shoes?
I mean really try. Really think of how you would feel if you were dealt another person's hand in life.
Not what you would DO but how you would FEEL.
Without judgement. Without restraint. Without conditions. Without any "yeah, but"statements.
Just empathy.

Compassion for that man holding a sign asking for help.
Compassion for that woman using food stamps.
Compassion for the kid sobbing in the middle of the store.
Compassion for the person taking your order at the counter.

Empathy for that single mom working two jobs.
Empathy for that widower.
Empathy for that service provider.
Empathy for that breast feeding mama.

Love for your neighbor who looks different than you.
Love for the family who just wants a better life here.
Love for that person who worships differently.
Love for that person who doesn't worship at all.

Kindness for the person with special needs.
Kindness for the person with depression.
Kindness for the person with anxiety.
Kindness for the person suffering from grief.

Can we all just try it? Just try to immerse ourselves in the feelings of others. We can't move forward if we don't.


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