I see you

I see you mama...

up at 5:00am to get field trip forms signed, lunches packed, coffee made

squeezing in a workout while everyone else is still asleep

busting your ass at a 9-5 job and still giving all you can to your child

sending money instead of spending hours volunteering

checking for monsters under the bed at midnight

running through the 1000 things that need to be done

planning your family's meals according to likes and dislikes

reading one more story

being so over being touched but holding that baby anyway

asserting yourself in the office because you deserve that promotion

being the mama who enjoys the hell out of that well-deserved margarita

closing the door on that messy room cause it just isn't the priority

teaching your child to do his own laundry cause that IS the priority

checking the backpack mail, helping with homework

not knowing how in the hell to help with homework

carving out precious time with your partner so neither of you go crazy

taking time for yourself

sobbing because there is no time

keeping your cool when the milk is spilled for the 10th time and the color of her cup isn't what she wanted

listening to the small stuff because to her it is BIG stuff

apologizing when you lose it

owning up that you aren't perfect but doing your best

loving this crazy journey of parenthood even when you don't like it sometimes

I see you.


  1. I love this! All the feels 'cause we can ALL relate to something on this list. You're an inspiration to us lady :)

  2. OMG. Love this. I see you too, mama. <3


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