Brave Girl, Brave Boy

Brave girl, you can do difficult things.
You can face them head on, with your head high.
You can reach out and spread your wings and still stay true to you.
Brave girl, you can move forward.
You can take that leap because your foundation is strong.

Brave boy, you will do big things.
Your heart is as big as the sky.
You will make a difference just by being yourself.
Brave boy, you will move mountains.
Your will is stronger than any force you will encounter.

Brave children, you amaze me.
It is not easy to start over, to leave the comfort of the familiar.
To stay faithful to your heart, while still opening your heart enough to be vulnerable.
It is not easy to be trusting when you are afraid.
But you are brave, and strong and true.
You will do difficult and beautiful and wondrous things.
And I will cheer you along the way.


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